Welcome to reliabiliPy’s documentation!
Readme File
Simple implementation in Python of the reliability measures for surveys: Omega Total, Omega Hierarchical and Omega Hierarchical Asymptotic and Omega Total, using Schmid-Leiman solution.
Also Cronbach’s Alpha Guttman’s lower bounds of reliability $lamda_1$ and $lamda_2$.
Explanations and documentation available
See Documentation
Quick Start
If you have the correlations matrix of your dataset.
To install:
pip install reliabiliPy
To start using it:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from reliabilipy import reliability_analysis
correlations_matrix = pd.DataFrame(np.matrix([[1., 0.483, 0.34, 0.18, 0.277, 0.257, -0.074, 0.212, 0.226],
[0.483, 1., 0.624, 0.26, 0.433, 0.301, -0.028, 0.362, 0.236],
[0.34, 0.624, 1., 0.24, 0.376, 0.244, 0.233, 0.577, 0.352],
[0.18, 0.26, 0.24, 1., 0.534, 0.654, 0.165, 0.411, 0.306],
[0.277, 0.433, 0.376, 0.534, 1., 0.609, 0.041, 0.3, 0.239],
[0.257, 0.301, 0.244, 0.654, 0.609, 1., 0.133, 0.399, 0.32],
[-0.074, -0.028, 0.233, 0.165, 0.041, 0.133, 1., 0.346, 0.206],
[0.212, 0.362, 0.577, 0.411, 0.3, 0.399, 0.346, 1., 0.457],
[0.226, 0.236, 0.352, 0.306, 0.239, 0.32, 0.206, 0.457, 1.]]))
reliability_report = reliability_analysis(correlations_matrix=correlations_matrix)
print('here omega Hierarchical: ', reliability_report.omega_hierarchical)
print('here Omega Hierarchical infinite or asymptotic: ', reliability_report.omega_hierarchical_asymptotic)
print('here Omega Total', reliability_report.omega_total)
print('here Alpha Cronbach total', reliability_report.alpha_cronbach)
If you want to use the whole dataset you could do it to, adding the inputations method you prefer:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from reliabilipy import reliability_analysis
raw_dataset = pd.DataFrame([{'C1': 2.0, 'C2': 3.0, 'C3': 3.0, 'C4': 4.0, 'C5': 4.0},\
{'C1': 5.0, 'C2': 4.0, 'C3': 4.0, 'C4': 3.0, 'C5': 4.0},\
{'C1': 4.0, 'C2': 5.0, 'C3': 4.0, 'C4': 2.0, 'C5': 5.0},\
{'C1': 4.0, 'C2': 4.0, 'C3': 3.0, 'C4': 5.0, 'C5': 5.0},\
{'C1': 4.0, 'C2': 4.0, 'C3': 5.0, 'C4': 3.0, 'C5': 2.0},\
{'C1': 4.0, 'C2': np.nan, 'C3': 3.0, 'C4': 5.0, 'C5': 5.0},\
{'C1': np.nan, 'C2': 4.0, 'C3': 5.0, 'C4': 3.0, 'C5': 2.0}])
ra = reliability_analysis(raw_dataset=raw_dataset,
print('here omega Hierarchical: ', ra.omega_hierarchical)
print('here Omega Hierarchical infinite or asymptotic: ', ra.omega_hierarchical_asymptotic)
print('here Omega Total', ra.omega_total)
print('here Alpha Cronbach total', ra.alpha_cronbach)
It is common to try check the reliability), i.e.: the consistency of a measure, particular in psychometrics and surveys analysis.
has packages for this kind of analysis available, such us psych
by Revelle (2017). python
goes behind on this.
The closes are factor-analyser and Pingouin.
As I write this there is a gap in the market since none of the above libraries currently implement any
omega related reliability measure. Although Pingouin implements Cronbach’s alpha
To bring functions to
for psychometrics and survey analysis, as there is a gap. Mostly from the package inR
.To make the ideas and math behind those clear and transparent with examples, and documentation.
To allow people to collaborate and ask questions about.
Flora, David B. “Your coefficient alpha is probably wrong, but which coefficient omega is right? A tutorial on using R to obtain better reliability estimates.” Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science 3.4 (2020): 484-501. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/2515245920951747
Revelle, Willian. Manuscrip. 2021. An introduction to psychometric theory with applications in R. https://personality-project.org/r/book/Chapter7.pdf
Revelle, William R. “psych: Procedures for personality and psychological research.” (2017).
Omega Implementation in R. https://github.com/cran/psych/blob/master/R/omega.R
Schmid-Leiman in R. https://github.com/cran/psych/blob/master/R/schmid.R
Starkweather, Jon (2013). Hierarchical Factor Analysis. https://it.unt.edu/sites/default/files/hierfa_l_jds_apr2013.pdf
Vallat, R. (2018). Pingouin: statistics in Python. Journal of Open Source Software, 3(31), 1026, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.01026
Wolff, Hans-Georg, and Katja Preising. “Exploring item and higher order factor structure with the Schmid-Leiman solution: Syntax codes for SPSS and SAS.” Behavior Research Methods 37.1 (2005): 48-58.
Factor Analyzer. Python library. This library is based heavily on this one. https://github.com/EducationalTestingService/factor_analyzer
Cite this package as
Rafael Valero Fernández. (2022). reliabiliPy: measures of survey domain reliability in Python with explanations and examples. Cronbach´s Alpha and Omegas. (v0.0.0). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5830894
author = {Rafael Valero Fernández},
title = {{reliabiliPy: measures of survey domain reliability
in Python with explanations and examples.
Cronbach´s Alpha and Omegas.}},
month = jan,
year = 2022,
publisher = {Zenodo},
version = {v0.0.0},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5830894},
url = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5830894}
Happy to modify the above as petition and contributions.